Lila Klapman entered the world of sculpture with a passion for dance and years of experience massaging bodies. After obtaining a degree in English with a minor in Fine Art, she immersed herself in a study of the human figure for the next 20 years. She became a staff member as Esalen Institute in Big Sur, where she spent many years learning various body work and movement disciplines, and became a workshop leader. She was fascinated with the spine in motion- its undulations, and natural beauty. Her focus was on the subtleties of bone structure, posture, and line, during movement. The visual and tactile were equally alive in her. Her hands became sensitive to the bones and muscles from many years of massage, and turning to sculpture was a natural transition. All of her life experience funneled into it.

Lila has been sculpting figures in clay since 1992. Although primarily self taught, she has worked with sculptors Fritz White, Martine Vaugel, Stanley Bleifeld, and Richard MacDonald, among others. In her studio, working with live models, she captures the spirit in motion. Focusing on what she describes as "the essential line" there is a tension in the blending of grace and flexibility with strength and passion that has a powerful effect on the viewer.

©2010 - Lila Klapman